Hexamail Guard - Licensing

Obtaining a Trial License for Hexamail Guard

In order to get a trial license for Hexamail Guard you need to fill in the registration form at http://www.hexamail.com/download.html You will then be sent a download link and a trial license file (.licml file) to use with your software during the trial period. The trial period is time limited, typically to 30 days. If you wish to extend this period contact hexamailguardsupport@hexamail.com

Obtaining a Permanent License for Hexamail Guard

If you have run the software for the trial period and wish to continue using the software for your company, please visit the website at: http://www.hexamail.com/pricing.html There you can purchase a permanent license for the number of users you will have using the system.

If you are unsure as to which features of the full version you require, please visit: http://www.hexamail.com/hexamailguard/features.htm for a full description of each feature.

Installing a new License for Hexamail Guard

Once you have obtained your new license file by following one of the above sections, you simply need to install the license file as follows:

1)Run the Hexamail Guard Administration application by choosing Hexamail GuardAdministration from the start menu.

2)Hexamail Guard will prompt you to look for a license if a valid license is not yet installed:

3)Browse for the license file you saved from the email attachment (the file with extension licml) you received when you got your download instructions or confirmation of purchase.

if you already have a valid license but wish to update the license:

Once you have saved the license file in a convenient location - you can use the administration interface to browse for it and put it in the correct place for you. Open the administration interface, select the Admin sheet, go to the License page within the Admin sheet. Click the Browse button and find your License file (licml). The administration interface will then copy the license file to the correct location.

4)Restart the Hexamail Guard service using the Windows Service Control Panel or by opening the Hexamail Guard administration interface. The administration interface will ask you if you wish to start the service in a paused mode ready for configuration.