Import IMAP mailboxes to Hexamial Server

Import IMAP mailboxes to Hexamial Server

    If you have an existing IMAP compatible mailserver and wish to import all the mailboxes into Hexamail Server mailserver software please follow these steps. You can download Hexamail Server here Hexamail Server

    Existing IMAP Mailboxes Migrate Hexamail Mailboxes
    Existing IMAP Mailboxes Migrate Hexamail Mailboxes

Step 1: Configure the remote source IMAP account settings

    In Hexamail Server admin go to POP3 Reader/System Accounts/ and press the New button

    Creating the new System Account

    Configure the source IMAP account settings including the server, port and login.

    Set the Reroute to email address as the email address of the DESTINATION mailbox within Hexamail

    Click on Advanced and configure the IMAP folder you wish to migrate, use * to synchronize all folders Check the box to tag email with the original source folder

    Collecting all IMAP Folders

Step 2: Configure the local mailboxes

    In Hexamail Server admin go to Mailboxes/Settings/Delivery/ and check the boxes:

    • Deliver to folders based on header tag
    • Automatically create mailbox folders as required

    Mailbox settings for folder delivery

Step 3: Configure further accounts

    That's it! All you need to do now is to repeat step 1 for all other accounts you wish to migrate.

Step 4: Apply your configuration

    Press apply when you are ready to commence the IMAP account migration(s) and Hexamail will automatically download all email from the source accounts and create folders and populate with email in mailboxes. Hexamail runs as a service so it will continue to synchronize the accounts while it is running and the source accounts are enabled.

    Hexamail Server can also be run on a LINUX machine and the same administration interface can be used to configure it remotely. You can download a Free 15 day trial of the software here