Hexamail Guard - Getting Started

What is Hexamail Guard?

Hexamail Guard is enterprise strength server software.

Hexamail server based anti spam integrates with all versions of Exchange Server and all SMTP email servers. Most comprehensive spam filter features provide the most effective anti spam. Hexamail also provides disclaimer, mail alerting, automatic routing, POP3 downloading and auto reply/responder features.

The software acts as an SMTP proxy, sitting in front of your existing email server. Your users connect to Hexamail Guard to send email by SMTP, allowing Hexamail Guard to process all outbound email. Incoming email into your organization from other email servers also passes through Hexamail Guard to your existing email server, this allows Hexamail Guard to process incoming email, for example, to eliminate SPAM.

The trial version of Hexamail Guard allows you to try out Hexamail Guard for a time-limited period. After this period, you need to purchase and register Hexamail Guard to continue using the software. The full version of Hexamail Guard does not expire or have any other evaluation limitations.

If you don't have a trial license or haven't purchased this software please please visit:

Using Hexamail Guard

For further assistance, please consult one of the following sections: